It's about time to post something new, but am in a bit of a rush, so will take something of the shelf.
I had walked by this church several times and seen old postcards of it, before putting two and two together, and realizing they were the same. When seeing the church from the street, I had not realized that is used to be more 'cube-like'.
The church was badly damaged in a fire 1978 and lost it's secondary facade (of the transept, I believe). More can be read here.
It seems as if the old post card was taken from on-top of the old funeral home across the street, that is currently (April 2013) stalled in renovation. I took the new photo from street level - so they don't line up very well.
(Note that the fire hydrant in front of the church is still in exactly the same place as a hundred years ago.)
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